Monday, August 31, 2015

Welcome! Introduction to ELA Ramp Up 7 & The Twits

Welcome, Class of 2021!

ELA 7: Ramp Up is additional instruction supplementing your academic classes, primarily through helping you improve your reading, writing, and literacy (vocabulary/grammar, etc.) skills.

Each day you will be expected to read texts as a whole class, independently, or in small reading groups (book groups). Additionally we will engage in a plethora of literacy techniques that will improve your academic skills.

Let's start by reviewing the expectations of the class. Then we'll shift to reading our first book together as a class. Please follow instructions as necessary.

The opening pages of The Twits. Please read along by scanning the page as you listen to the reading.

HOMEWORK: At the bottom of each post, I will indicate what HOMEWORK you have. In general, the more we do in class, the less homework we will have. So, technically, you determine how much homework you and your classmates get.

Our first homework assignment is to complete the book The Twits by Roald Dahl and illustrated by Quentin Blake. Information about the book can be found here and at the links.

Please complete reading the book for next class. Next class we will analyze and study the book a bit more carefully and a lot of the following information will be used.

Who is Roald Dahl?
Resources for the book: The Twits
The Twits: Lexile: 750
The Twits: Publishing date: 1980